

Why do I need to provide volunteer bonds?

Pirouette School of Dance requires 2 volunteer bonds of $200 per family, each bond is worth 5 hours of volunteer time. Festival families will be required to provide a third $200 volunteer bond, and an additional 5 hours of volunteer time.  These bonds must be received when you register for class. Volunteer cheques will be held until the end of the dance season.

How can I volunteer?

You may work off your volunteer hours in many different ways: Bingos, helping at the dress rehearsal/recital or other performances, building props, up keep of the studio facilities, administrative assistance, phoning, or any other hours that are approved by the Board of Directors. Those who do not volunteer will have their bonds deposited on August 31st. Pirouette does not want to deposit your bond, we would much prefer that you volunteer! As a non-profit society, Pirouette aims to keep costs as low as possible for students and parents. Pirouette depends on parental help to fulfill its objectives. There are many ways that you can volunteer your time, and we are open to suggestions – please share your talents with us! 


Volunteer Sign up

Volunteer Options

Frequently Asked Questions

What genres does Pirouette School of Dance offer?  

  • Tiny Tutus (18mths - 3yrs)
  • Creative Movement (3-4yrs)
  • Acro (3+)
  • Ballet (4+)
  • Jazz (5+)
  • Tap (5+)
  • Hip Hop (5+)
  • Lyrical (10+)
  • Contemporary (13+)
  • Dance Fusion
  • Highland Dance

How much is tuition?

Monthly Recreational Class Fees   

45 Minute Class  - $45 monthly/2nd class $40

60 Minute Class  - $55 monthly/2nd class $50

75 Minute Class  - $65 monthly/2nd class $60

90 Minute Class  - $75 monthly/2nd class $70


What is the cost of your 6-week session classes?

Pirouette School of Dance is proud to offer numerous 6-week session classes geared towards our younger dancers (ie. Tiny Tutus) and adult dancers.

$66 per Session. Drop-in: $15/class


Are there fees for Costumes?

Yes, each class requires a costume for the end of year recital. Fees are as follows.

Under 5 years of age: $55.00 per class

5 years and up: $85.00 per class

*All costume fees are due by October 1st. 

Does Pirouette offer dance examinations?

Pirouette is pleased to offer the opportunity to host RAD ballet, ADAPT jazz + tap, and ADTA acro examinations. The Instructor of the discipline will assess each dancer and make the decision whether or not to present that dancer for an exam.  Not all dancers who prepare for exams are guaranteed the opportunity.  It will depend on how prepared the dancer is when the time comes to enter students. Practice outside of the studio class time may be required. Additional costs will apply including, if required, extra practices with the instructor and the exam fee itself.  The dancer must also be dressed as outlined by the governing body of the exam being offered. This will be clearly outlined to all families early on in the dance year. Festival Team dancers are required to participate in all discipline exams that the instructors deem them ready to take in the current dance year.


What competitive teams and genres does Pirouette offer?

For more information on our Competitive Program please follow the link below. 


classes offered


Years Established

Get In Touch

Location: Unit #1 901 10 ST Cold Lake, AB

Telephone: (587) 201-0878

Email: pirouett@telus.net

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 4:30PM - 9:00PM

Summer Hours: Thursday 4:30PM - 7:30PM